A Brief Wrap-Up Of 2016!

I’m not going to ramble on about celebrity deaths – no one is going to forget losing Carrie Fisher, George Michael, Glen Fry, David Bowie, or any other name on the awful list created in 2016. It was a rough year for certain, and being the realist that I am, 2017 may be just as… Read more »

A Few Words On Stephen King Films

I’m not here to talk about those well-known gems we’ve all seen and loved for the last few decades, I’m talking about the ones that went so far under the radar (and for good reason) that no one seems to recall them ever happening in the first place. I’m not just talking about the billion… Read more »

Give It A Rest

Rest. Those moments we take for ourselves in between being responsible adults. There’s simply never enough time in the day to accomplish everything we’d like to, yet we NEED to for fear of burning out. Especially this time of year when everything goes into overdrive. How the hell do some of these writers do it?… Read more »

Giving Thanks For Being Alive

I’m not a huge fan of holidays, mainly for selfish reasons, but they’re my reasons and that’s what counts. I spend many holidays alone, locked in a room, writing or listening to music, and I’m perfectly happy that way. I don’t need specific days to feel happy, thankful, etc. Every day you wake up should be… Read more »

Killing Your Creation

I’m not going to ramble on about this. I’m certainly no expert, far from it. I’m not writing this to tell you how to make likable characters, or to explain how I write mine. I’m here to explain to you that sometimes you have to do what’s right, and that decision may not come easily,… Read more »