A Brief Wrap-Up Of 2016!

I’m not going to ramble on about celebrity deaths – no one is going to forget losing Carrie Fisher, George Michael, Glen Fry, David Bowie, or any other name on the awful list created in 2016. It was a rough year for certain, and being the realist that I am, 2017 may be just as awful. The thing people need to realize while they’re mourning one of their favorite stars is to remember that they’re still HERE to mourn. It’s very sad losing a celebrity we’ve grown up with, but at the same time, you’ve made it!

I’ve lost friends this year – a very close friend that I called brother passed away from cancer at the ripe old age of 37. We never know when it’s time to catch the bus and we’re very rarely prepared when it arrives, but the key is NOT waiting for the ride, but enjoying the one we’re on!

With the release of my book in October, I’ve met some amazing people in the indie community: authors, promoters, bloggers, designers, etc. What was once a scary proposition has become much easier, and although I won’t be selling my house and moving to warmer climes, I still feel a very real sense of accomplishment every time I receive feedback on work in the form of a personal message, a social media post, an Amazon review. It makes it all worthwhile sitting in front of a computer for hours a day, pecking away at a new new story, setting up advertising, etc. When people appreciate what I do, it becomes clear that I’ve chosen the right path, and you made 2016 an awesome year for me, amid all the turmoil and personal tragedy, I can still say I’ve followed a dream and made it happen!!

You were all there every step of the way!!

In 2017, barring any unforeseen circumstances, I plan 2 novels and perhaps another novella. The current novel project is about 25% done and should see completion in March. Today, however, is one for wrapping up the previous year and planning for the next!

Happy New Year my friends!

Drinks are on me!

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